Black to Fleek


Can you solve this word ladder?

Change the word BLACK to FLEEK by only changing 1 letter at a time. Each time you change a letter, the ending result has to be a real word.

Can you do it in only 6 steps?

Think you know the answer?

To see the answer to this word puzzle, click to expand the accordion below.

  • Black
  • Block
  • Clock
  • Click
  • Flick
  • Fleck
  • Fleek

This way you’ve only changed 1 letter at a time, each resulting in a new, real word getting to the word Fleek in only 6 steps.

Need a hint?

If you need a hint, click to expand the accordion below.

The 3rd word you should get to is Click.

So you should go from Black –> XXXX –> XXXX –> Click —> XXXX—> XXXX —> Fleek

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