Light as a Feather Yet the Strongest Man

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Do you know the answer to this riddle?

I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for more than five minutes.

What am I?

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And now check out the answer below.

The answer to this riddle is your breath.

Your breath is light as a feather, but even the strongest person can’t hold their breath for more than five minutes.

This riddle plays on the notion of misdirection when it says “hold” because you may be thinking about physically holding something as a result of the phrase, “light as a feather” instead of someone holding their breath.

Did you fall for the misdirection or did you get the answer right?

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Need a hint?

If you need a hint, click to expand the accordion below.

The strongest person isn’t physically holding the main subject of the riddle

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