Made for One But Meant for Two

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Do you know the answer to this riddle?

I’m made for one but meant for two;

I can be worn for many years but sometimes just a few;

You won’t ever need me unless you say you do.

What am I?

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An engagement or wedding ring!

The answer to this riddle is an engagement or wedding ring for a few reasons, noted in each line of the riddle:

  • I’m made for one but meant for two: A wedding ring can only be worn by 1 person, but it’s symbolically meant for two
  • I can be worn for many years but sometimes just a few: Depending on the marriage length, it can be worn for many years or not so many
  • You won’t ever need me unless you say you do: You only need one if you’re getting married and you often say “I do” during the ceremony

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There’s often a ceremony associated with this object.

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