Go on Red and Stop on Green


Can you solve this riddle?

I go on red, but stop for green.

What am I doing?

Think you know the answer?

To see the answer to the riddle, click to expand the accordion below.

Eating a watermelon.

A watermelon slice has two parts: red and green. You eat the red part and don’t eat the green.

Hence, when you’re eating a watermelon, you go (eat) on red and stop (don’t eat) on green.

The trick with this one is the first thing you think of is a traffic light where you go on green and stop on red.

Did you get the right answer without looking? Or was there something else you were thinking of that also works?

Need a hint?

If you need a hint, click to expand the accordion below.

You may eat this more on warm, Summer days.

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