Two Men with Backpacks


Do you know the answer to this logic puzzle?

Two men are in a desert. They both have backpacks on.

One of the men is dead.

The man who is alive has his backpack open and the man who is dead has his backpack closed.

What is in the dead man’s backpack?

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An unopened parachute.

Parachutes come in backpacks and when the backpack is opened is when the parachute is deployed.

The man with the unopened backpack didn’t have his parachute deploy, therefore he didn’t have a safe landing and died.

This logic puzzle requires you to draw a connection between the opened/unopened backpacks and why that could be the cause of death. The most likely scenario is the two men were parachuting and one parachute opened and the other didn’t.

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The two men might have been taking part in an exhilarating experience or hobby.

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