Words Without Perfect Rhymes


Can you solve this language puzzle?

Most of us know that there is no word in the English language that directly rhymes with orange.

Can you think of at least 2 more words that also don’t have direct or perfect rhymes?

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Silver, purple, and month are all words in the English language that don’t have perfect rhymes, just like orange.

While you may be able to combine words or sounds together to create a rhyme, like Eminem did with orange, those are all imperfect rhymes.

Perfect rhymes are those that satisfy two conditions: the stressed vowel sound must be identical and the onset of the stressed syllable must differ in each of the words, like kit and bit.

Did you find at least two additional words that didn’t have perfect rhymes?

Need a hint?

If you need a hint, click to expand the accordion below.

2 of the words are colors and the other is a measure of time.

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